AB Fish ehf
Arctic Mar ehf
Arctic Ocean Seafood ehf
Akraborg ehf
Atlantic Seafood ehf
Bacco Seaproducts ehf
Bergur-Huginn ehf
Blika Seafood ehf
Brim hf
Brimlá ehf
Danica Seafood hf
Elite Seafood Iceland ehf
Erik the Red Seafood
Eskja hf
Ferskfiskur ehf
Fisk Seafood
Fiskkaup hf
Guðmundur Runólfsson hf
Hamrafell ehf
Haustak hf
Háteigur ehf
Hólmasker ehf
Hvítimelur ehf
Ice Fresh Seafood ehf
Ice Frozen Seafood ehf
Iceland Pelagic ehf
Iceland Seafood ehf
Iceland Westfjords Seafood ehf
Icelandic Fish Partners ehf
Icemar ehf
Idunn Seafoods ehf
Iraco ehf
Ísfélag hf.
Ísfoss ehf
Íslenskt sjávarfang ehf
J. Benediktsson ehf
Jakob Valgeir ehf
Kampi ehf
Leo Fresh Fish ehf
Loðnuvinnslan hf. Fáskrúðsfirði
Lýsi hf
Marz sjávarafurðir ehf
Meleyri ehf
Miðnes ehf
Nastar ehf
Nesfiskur ehf
Niceland Seafood ehf
Novo Food, útibú á Íslandi
Ný-Fiskur hf
Ós ehf
Phoenix Seafood ehf.
Premium of Iceland ehf
Royal Iceland hf
Selhöfði ehf
Spes ehf
Skinney-Þinganes hf
Sverrir Björnsson
Sæport ehf
True Westfjords ehf
Unifar ehf
Útgerðarfélag Grindavíkur ehf
Útgerðarfélag Reykjavíkur hf
Útgerðarfélagið Ganti ehf
Vignir G. Jónsson hf
Vinnslustöðin hf
Vísir hf
VSV Seafood Iceland ehf
Ægir sjávarfang ehf
MSC certifications apply to all registered Faroese fishing vessels with valid fishing licences issued by the Directorate of Fisheries, to fish in Icelandic waters, if the fish is being caught and/or bought by a company registered as a participant in FISF.
Further information on participating vessels can be accessed at Faroe Islands Sustainable Fisheries (FISF). The Regulation 110/2018 on groundfish fisheries by Faroese vessels is issued by the Ministry of Industries and Innovation. |
The Sharing Agreement Covers
The ISF Iceland Cod official certificate (MSC-F-31301) of well managed fisheries is stored on the MSC website. The ISF Iceland Haddock official certificate (MSC-F-31302) of well managed fisheries is stored on the MSC website. The ISF Iceland Multi-Species demersal fishery official certificate (MSC-F-31436) of well managed fisheries is stored on the MSC website. The ISF Iceland Anglerfish official certificate (MSC-F-31350) of well managed fisheries is stored on the MSC website. Geographical Range of Fishing Operation Waters of the Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone within FAO Major Fishing Area 27 (Atlantic, Northeast) primarily within ICES Division 5a (Iceland Grounds) but including parts of ICES areas 2a, 5b, 12a, 14a and 14b. Stocks Cod (Gadus morhua) in ICES subarea 5a (Iceland grounds). Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in ICES subarea 5a. Saithe in ICES division 5a (Iceland grounds). Golden redfish (Sebastes marinus) ICES division 5a (Iceland grounds). Ling (Molva molva) ICES division 5a (Iceland grounds). Atlantic wolffish (Anarhicas lupus) ICES division 5a (Iceland grounds). Tusk (Brosme brosme) ICES division 5a (Iceland grounds). Blueling (Molva dypterygia) ICES division 5a (Iceland grounds). Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) ICES division 5a (Iceland grounds). Gear Longline |
MSC certifications apply to all registered Norwegian fishing vessels with valid fishing licences issued by the Directorate of Fisheries, to fish Capelin, and named on the list as provided by Norges Fiskarlag.
Further information on participating vessels can be accessed at Norges Fiskarlaget. The regulation for capelin fisheries in 2022/2023 is issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. Certificate sharing is valid for the listed Norwegian vessels found here. |
The Sharing Agreement Covers
The ISF Iceland Capelin official certificate (MSC-F-32199) of well managed fisheries is stored on the MSC website. Geographical Range of Fishing Operation FAO Area 27 North East Atlantic, ICES Subarea 5a and 14 and Division 2a west of 5°W Stocks Capelin (Mallotus villosus) in ICES Subareas 5 and 14 and Division 2a west of 5°W (Iceland and Faroes grounds, East Greenland, Jan Mayen area) Gear Purse Seine |
MSC certifications apply to all registered Greenlandic fishing vessels with valid fishing licences issued by the Directorate of Fisheries, to fish Capelin, and named on the list as provided by SFG.
For further information on participating vessels, contact SFG.
The regulation for capelin fisheries in 2020/2021 is issued by the Ministry of Industries and Innovation. |
The Sharing Agreement Covers
The ISF Iceland Capelin official certificate (MSC-F-32199) of well managed fisheries is stored on the MSC website. Geographical Range of Fishing Operation FAO Area 27 North East Atlantic, ICES Subarea 5a and 14 and Division 2a west of 5°W Stocks Capelin (Mallotus villosus) in ICES Subareas 5 and 14 and Division 2a west of 5°W (Iceland and Faroes grounds, East Greenland, Jan Mayen area) Gear Purse seine Pelagic trawl |